Wanted and Desperately Needed: A Solution to Vacation Hangover.

According to dictionary.com, hangovers are, and I quote, "the disagreeable aftereffects of drunkenness" and "any aftermath or lingering effect from a distressing experience."

While students aren't exactly drunk or recovering from a disastrous experience, they, or should I say, we also have hangovers. But from what? Our parents aren't exactly the type to let us get wasted, so the only thing we get hungover from are vacations.

Yep. Vacations. Those lazy days when school is cancelled.

Day before the vacation takes effect, I personally feel pretty happy already. The high of doing nothing for, say, three whole days already manifest pre-no school. When the first day arrives, the happiness continues and it still does until about the afternoon of the third day. Why? Well, for one thing, it's during the night of the third day when it finally hits me that I have to go back to school tomorrow.

And so, this is when the hangover starts.

Let's be dead honest here. I am a procrastinator through and through, which means that the work teachers give for any vacation would go undone until about ten hours before they need to be passed. That fact DEFINITELY does not help at all with the hangover situation. Trust me, I go on slacker mode the minute I realize that tomorrow would be a school day, so that combined with my hangover equals no work done until about midnight when I manage to convince myself to work already.

The next day, in school, the hangover would still definitely show. I'd probably be asleep in the first period or doodling mindlessly during lessons, both of which are not appreciated by teachers.

I know that I'm not the only one suffering from this annoying tendency, so to anyone out there with a suitable, tried and tested method to snap out of a vacation hangover fast, I'd appreciate some advice.


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The chaos isn't there for nothing! I'm Erika, the girl behind all the...disaster. You can definitely expect me to turn an ordinary, boring, same old situation into one big hell of a hot mess. Opinionated, a war freak and can totally pwn you in Dance Dance Revolution, I'm also pretty competitive so I always do my best in everything that I do. Keep reading my blog to see my view of things and how I dish out the awful truth on any topic.
