Homework Distractions on the Internet

10. Constantly visiting your YouTube account and exploring your recommended for you list.
Sometimes, randomness shows up there and you have no idea why. According to YouTube, you watched some video related to it. Question: How is watching Your Guardian Angel: Sims 2 version related to Habbo Gold Hacks: Plz. watch ? 

9. Reading Super Effective. 
...it's his PEEE.

8.  Yahoo! Messenger
Well, it's not really a distraction, but if you go online as much as I do and your friends go online the same number of times, it can be a problem, especially when you have a TON of stuff to do and it's already 4 AM and you're not done with anything.

7. Hollywood gossip sites
I don't really care if Jon Gosselin found a...uh..."normal" job or if Miley was caught smoking something, but when I see any dirt on the stars, I usually end up reading it.

6. Finding something incredibly wrong
OK, I can definitely concede to the fact that not everyone in the internet is smart. I can forgive most mistakes. But, it's a different story when some dude mispells too much words, commits too much Internet sins and talks about things that don't really make sense. What usually happens is that I'd end up correcting him anonymously.

 5. Going to YouTube to watch videos for music while you're studying but ending up watching the video for real
Lesson learned: Get freakin' iTunes

4.  Reading whatever article's in in Yahoo!
 Or any article for that matter. Heh, sometimes, reading about eight things I didn't know about dreams is just too hard to resist.

3.  Searching random stuff in Google and ending up reading the whole wiki article about it.
One Google search on types of Japanese ghosts and I end up reading an entire article on the original RIngu novel. Heh, result? Not doing anything but downloading the book and reading it.

2. Ducky of Awesooooome!
Mark Douglas' genius is addictive! How can someone come up with THAT many parodies? When I ate a plate of nachos and went right to bed, I had a lot of freaky dreams dancing through mah head. I was visited by Ke$ha and Lady GaGa they said you should start a music show blah blah blah.

1. Watching an Ugleh Dancah...uh...dance with anyone's face on.
Oh the stomach cramps. Oh the never ending laughter. Oh the swing + kick. Oh the...PINK TRACKSUIT! It gets worse when the clones start coming out and it haunts your dreams. I look so stupid when I'm dancing...


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The chaos isn't there for nothing! I'm Erika, the girl behind all the...disaster. You can definitely expect me to turn an ordinary, boring, same old situation into one big hell of a hot mess. Opinionated, a war freak and can totally pwn you in Dance Dance Revolution, I'm also pretty competitive so I always do my best in everything that I do. Keep reading my blog to see my view of things and how I dish out the awful truth on any topic.
