Mouth Watering Goodness: A Collection of a Few of Man's Greatest Creations and Discoveries

Man was this assignment hard.

I know it may not show, but I love food, as in LOVE food. Anything edible, you name it, I can and I will eat it, so choosing only a couple for this list was probably the hardest decision I've done so far.

Pop Tarts
Who knew that some pastry thing inside a silver bag could taste THAT good? Just put it in the microwave for a couple of seconds and boom! Heaven in a plate.  My personal favorite has got to be the s'mores one. Cookies and cream comes in a close second.

Not only does this thing taste good, but it's quick to cook too. Pop it in the microwave or oven for a couple of seconds and you're good to go. Plus, the cover art on the silver packets they come in are pretty awesome...but random. From a Pop Tart karate chopping a toaster in half to one holding hands with a Blueberry flavored one, I've seen it all in Pop Tarts.

What's  not so cool about Pop Tarts, though? Quantity. This box right here has only five packets each. Yeah, sure each packet has 2 Pop Tarts inside, but that means that you have to eat it two at one go. With my ever raging hunger, that's fine. But for the many boxes I've torn open in the past week, yeah,  not so fine with my mother's grocery bill.
What would you do if someone asked you to eat a weird-looking dish with a brownish sauce and a chopped towel floating around it? You probably wouldn't eat it, right? Well, that's not the case for me, except of course if it really is a towel cut into tiny pieces. However, if it's pinapaitan, don't expect that bowl to be full like you left in in 10 minutes.

Made out of goat innards and probably some cow bile, this dish doesn't sound the least bit appetizing when the ingredients are named. However, one taste of this baby and you'll be wanting more. That's certainly what happened to me. I was crazy for pinapaitan, feeling ridiculously happy when it was served on the table.

To make me go even more bananas, make the dish spicy by dropping in some sili or peppers.
Oh how smart the Japanese are.

In one bite, you get your carbs, vegetables, meat and sometimes even desert. Does it sound like that bubble gum from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Too bad it isn't. It's none other than sushi!

Wrapped in pieces of seaweed, each pop has sticky rice, cucumbers sometimes, a piece of raw tuna or stir fried beef, a small wedge of mango and some fish eggs on top. Doesn't that sound delicious? For most people, the raw fish and eggs are an instant turn off, but I am definitely not part of that group. My stomach can handle anything, raw or cooked, especially when it tastes this good!

Sushi isn't only delicious, but it allows the chef to go crazy with the dish as well. Cartoon characters like Pikachu can be formed and in another instance,  Van Gogh's Sunflowers was recreated with nothing but pure sushi of course!

I'd love to add more to this list, but my computer is lagging plus all this talk about food is making my mouth water for real. These three are probably the vices I take in the most, but trust me, I eat a whole lot more than this. I'm grateful to whoever discovered food. You are my hero.

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An Awesome Disaster by e.viray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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The chaos isn't there for nothing! I'm Erika, the girl behind all the...disaster. You can definitely expect me to turn an ordinary, boring, same old situation into one big hell of a hot mess. Opinionated, a war freak and can totally pwn you in Dance Dance Revolution, I'm also pretty competitive so I always do my best in everything that I do. Keep reading my blog to see my view of things and how I dish out the awful truth on any topic.
